Something’s Always Leaking

Owning a home is a dream many have, but one that can easily escape people. Having a place you can call your own gives a sense of stability and permanence. In today’s market, and with our economy going the way it is, that kind of security is not always available,

Even if it is, there’s no guarantee of contentment in ownership.

Things break. In homes, things break a lot.

We’ve had a rash of broken-down things that have been frustrating, time-consuming, and sadly lacking in the enjoyment department. The most recent is a leak in the garage. Somewhere in the wall. Maybe the air conditioner?

Whatever it is, water keeps leaking out.

Not a good sign.

We’ve tried a variety of possible fixes. Our repairman is a wonderful gentleman who will save us some money and himself a trip by suggesting possibilities of correcting the problem.

None of his suggestions worked.

As water puddles in the garage, I have visions of massive flooding, water pouring through the walls, and various pieces of the kids’ stored possessions floating out the garage door when opened.

That probably won’t happen, but the garage is beginning to smell horrifically because of standing water and mold that’s beginning to grow. Florida mold runs the gamut from annoying to destructive. Never welcomed.

It will get fixed, but it reminds me that something will always be broken in this world. Not working right.

Even if that brokenness is just me.

I can never make this world as cozy as I’d like. I can’t perform a makeover on my own soul. My best efforts will always leave me wanting in some area.

No one is skilled enough to fix the problems we each have. No matter the size or complexity,

We can only find restoration and hope in the God who made us, who knows us inside and out and isn’t bothered by the extent of our brokenness.

The first step is recognizing that this place isn’t home. It’s temporal, a blip in the span of eternity. We are eternal beings, made for a long-lasting relationship with God.

We choose where we’ll spend eternity.

Even King David understood this. The shepherd who became king of a mighty nation, who dealt with issues of national struggle and family disaster, heard from a woman of great wisdom how he’d not shown grace to a prodigal son. She reminded him of the brevity of life and the need to make things right with God.

“Like water spilled on the ground, which cannot be recovered, so we must die. But that is not what God desires; rather, He devises ways so that a banished person does not remain banished from Him.” 2 Samuel 14:14

Our days are numbered; some have more, some less. But this life isn’t the end all. We have the chance to invest in eternity with God if we choose to get to know Him.

Our home will always be a place where things wear out and break. It’s a great place to live, but it will never be what I’d like it to be.

Whole and perfect.

That’s the home God has for me in heaven.

An eternity of perfection.

No HGTV required.

One response to “Something’s Always Leaking”

  1. Sorry for the water mess – my dad (a contractor) hated water problems the most. I am asking God to lead you to the cause with minor complications. Broken is something I don’t like. I want the perfect Magnolia network home. But I am learning to accept those messy places as the ideal spots for Jesus to show up… and I do like being with Him. Thanks for the real-life reminder today, dear friend.


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